In Solidarity We Rise: Healing, Opportunity and Justice for Girls
In Solidarity We Rise: Healing, Opportunity and Justice for Girls (In Solidarity) was an extraordinary event held in Washington, DC in October 2017. Together participants were able to explore diverse and innovative ways to support health, economic security and civic engagement for girls and young women that were creative, intersectional and two or multigenerational. In Solidarity offered a diverse selection of learning opportunities from Deep Dive Learning Sessions to Innovation In Motion Sessions to Front Porch Conversations and Plenaries that were informative, inspiring and uplifting.
In Solidarity participants represented all 50 states and 8 federally recognized Tribal Nations: Standing Rock Lakota Tribe, Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, Oglala Sioux Tribe, and the Rosebud Sioux Tribe. Twenty-five percent of In Solidarity participants included cis and trans girls and young women of color and gender non-conforming youth under the age of 25. The National Crittenton Foundation is committed to providing opportunities to strengthen this movement. We're pleased to be able to share some of the keynotes and sessions from this powerful conference that featured MEV Movement Makers.
The National Girls Initiative, Using A Strengths-Based And Intersectional Approach To Juvenile Justice Involved Girls
with K. Shakira Washington, The National Crittenton Foundation, Catherine Pierce, DOJ, Office of Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention, Marcia Ricon-Gallardo, NOXTIN: Equal Justice for All, Karma Cottman, DC Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Lindsay Rosenthal, Vera Institute of Justice
The OJJDP National Girls Initiative (NGI) provides training/technical assistance to those working to improve system responses to girls who are at risk of entering or who are involved in the juvenile justice system. This workshop highlights OJJDP supported efforts that use an intersectional framework to understand the complex lives of system involved girls, highlights efforts to improve existing policies and practices from a gender and strength- based lens; and lifts up the voices of girls most directly impacted by the juvenile justice system.[accordions id="4095"]
Beyond The Binary, Building Leadership With Gender Non-Conforming Youth Of Color
with Logan Meza, Clio Kalliope & Wakumi Douglas, S.O.U.L. Sisters Leadership Collective
What is “femme”? What is the full spectrum of gender? And how do we fully integrate gender non-conforming youth of color into our movement? Discuss the key principles of building leadership about non-binary youth of color and to learn how you can create space for a truly inclusive and intersectional movement. Now with the Meeting Girls Needs Toolkit you can bring this Initiative to your school or school system.[accordions id="4093"]