Virtual Fireside Chat: Transformational Stories from the Immigrant Rights Movement
On September 26, 2013, Ana Polanco of Move to End Violence hosted a one-hour discussion with Ana Avendaño, AFL-CIO Assistant to the President and Director of Immigration and Community Action, Pramila Jayapal, Co-Chair, We Belong Together Campaign, and Gaby Pacheco, Executive Director of the Bridge Project. During this discussion, these leaders explored the transformation of the immigrant rights movement. What does it take to build a broad and inclusive immigrant rights movement? What can the movement to end violence against girls and women learn from their stories? Watch or listen to find out.
Move to End Violence, a program of the NoVo Foundation, hosts fireside chats as a way to listen to and engage with cross-movement leaders who can offer insights into how social justice movements are successful. We hope these conversations lead to inspiration/new ideas about how our movement can move forward. To date, these fireside chats have been held at our in-person convenings. This was the first virtual fireside chat.