NCADV Plenary: The Trajectory of the Violence Against Women’s Movement: Where Have We Been? Where Are We Now? Where Are We Going?
During the plenary of the 2016 National Coalition Against Domestic Violence Annual Conference themed "Voices United", Movement Makers Beckie Masaki, Kelly Miller and Lorena Estrella presented a three-part exploration of the domestic violence movement's past, present, and future.

In this session, entitled "The Trajectory of the Violence Against Women's Movement: Where Have We Been? Where Are We Now? Where Are We Going?", Beckie, Kelly, and Lorena, used the evolution of a caterpillar to butterfly as a metaphor to facilitate a dynamic and engaging inter-generational dialogue and exercises that honor the movement's roots, examine the pivots and transformation of the present day, and explore the future of activism and organizing.
Listen to the Workshop:
Download the Handout:
From Caterpillar to Butterfly: The Trajectory of the Domestic Violence Movement