Sana Sana: Healing Justice and Spiritual Accompaniment Practices at Move to End Violence and Beyond
Click here to download the toolkit in English.
MEV has been deepening its Healing Justice practice over the past several years and we are excited to bring you this offering as a contribution toward community liberation and celebration in our sunset. It was with a labor of love and care that we brought together generational wisdom, practices, and community learnings to create and offer you this collection. This offering is full of generations of knowledge, years of messy practice and difficult conversations, and is underscored by love and community care.
Healing Justice is a framework that helps us identify and holistically respond to and intervene on intergenerational trauma and violence. It creates space, time and learning so that we can bring collective practices that can impact and transform the consequences of oppression on our collective bodies, hearts and minds.
Sana, Sana: Healing Justice and Spiritual Accompaniment Practices at Move to End Violence and Beyond features the voices and expertise of over a dozen healers across genders, race, ethnicities, modalities of practice, languages, and geographies. Offerings include how to build an altar or healing space; how to use tarot in your healing and understanding; how to move your body in ways that honor its existence; and a section on herbal medicine. Featured contributors include Naimah Efia, gina Breedlove, Heidi Maria Lopez, ML Daniel, Kifu Faruq, Agua Dulce, Rosana Rodriguez, ramelcy uribe, Tai Simpson, Jennicet Gutierrez, Lisbeth White, Juju Bae, and Chhaya Chhoum.
In addition to the beautiful illustrations and powerful text, the offering also includes videos that offer stories, wisdom, and juicy conversations regardless of where you are in your healing justice practice journey. A great place to start is by watching this video discussion (English and Spanish) with some of the healers and practitioners MEV has been privileged to work with, who go into further details about the reasons and motivations behind the healing justice work they do.
We share this offering in part to honor the legacy of all those who have contributed to the ways Healing Justice and Spirit Care at MEV have evolved over time and also to share with the larger movement our learnings and approaches. Many beautiful and thoughtful offerings have been created for our cohort convenings and we are so pleased to be able to share them with the larger community. We hope it inspires you to deepen or expand your own organizational practices, as it has for us. May we all remember that healing and spirit are integral to our movement spaces and are also political.
Thank you to the foreparents of Healing Justice: Cara Page, Kindred Southern Healing Justice Collective, Erica Woodland, Prentis Hemphill, and Staci Haines. Thank you for your vision and your deep love for your people.
Shoutout to Onyx Ramirez, Graphic Designer, and JeShawna Wholley, Editor and Project Partner. Thank you and much love to the MEV Healing Justice Co-Creators: Agua Dulce, Ámate Pérez, Emanuel Brown, gina Breedlove, Heidi Maria Lopez, Kifu Faruq, Lisbeth White, ML Daniel, Naimah Efia, Patricia Torres, ramelcy uribe, Rosa Chavez, Sarah Curtiss, Spirit McIntyre. Thank you for bringing your full selves everywhere, thank you for bringing your ancestors into every room. Thank you for always insisting that Spirit be at the center.
And thank you to you. For your curiosity of and commitment to healing justice, for allowing us to make this offering to you, and for using this resource to support the healing of our collective community.