Part 2: Liberated Homeschooling During Pandemic with Wakumi and Naima
Over the last few months as we have all grappled with this current reality, many activists, changemakers, and spiritually rooted leaders have affirmed that this moment is calling us to be different and have let it be known that we cannot go back to the way things were before. The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent quarantine life has unmasked on a global scale what many us of already knew, that the systems by which we have been living our lives are not life-giving, that they harm the vast majority of us, and that they breed inequity, scarcity, and violence.
Since this all began, we at MEV along with our partners have been asking ourselves the questions, what is this moment calling us to? How do we seize this moment as an opening to a new world and a new way of being? One of the responses to these questions came in the form of a series cultivated by Trina Greene Brown founder of Parenting for Liberation and MEV faculty, featuring Move to End Violence Movement Makers.
This series affirms that during this moment of shelter in place/physical distancing/stay at home, it is imperative that we center cultivating and practicing liberation in our homes, with our families, as a way to transform culture and systems
In part 2 of this series, Movement Maker Wakumi Douglas of SOUL Sisters Leadership Collective talks with Trina about liberated homeschooling and inviting children to play an active role in their learning. As an accompaniment to the conversation, we include tools that you can adapt to use with the children in your lives.