Racial Equity and Liberation Virtual Learning Series
This is a compilation of all the materials offered in the Racial Equity and Liberation Virtual Learning Web Series.

Locating Oneself (Week 1): We reflect and practice how to participate fully in conversations on racial equity and liberation, by first spending the time needed to locate oneself before, during, and after the conversation. Storytellers: Archi Pyati of Tahirih Justice Center and Heidi Lopez.

Expanding Narratives, Moving Beyond Single Stories (Week 2): We reflect and practice how single stories are incomplete and potentially damaging understandings of other people. Storytellers: Lorena Estrella of Sadie Nash Leadership and Nicole Matthews of Minnesota Indian Women’s Sexual Assault Coalition.

Choosing Vulnerability (Week 3): We reflect and practice vulnerability as a powerful practice that can deepen our relationships and strengthen our resolve with others in the movement. Storytellers: Alexis Flanagan and Lupe Poblano of CompassPoint.

Identifying Systems Power (Week 4): We reflect and practice the importance of identifying root causes and contributing factors within power systems of a problem. Storytellers: Lynn Rosenthal and Andrew Sta.Ana of Day One.

Levels of Racism (Week 5): We reflect and practice discussing the levels of racism. Storytellers: Eesha Pandit of Center for Advancing Innovative Policy and Kassandra Frederique of Drug Policy Alliance.

Community Reflection (Week 6): We reflect on the learnings shared throughout the past five weeks, exploring what practices you are integrating into your leadership.